PC shortcuts are tools or programs that allow you to add extra features to Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 Operating Systems. By using these shortcuts you can improve efficiency and save time. The key feature to look out for when choosing a shortcut application is being able to share your favorites onto other devices such as Android phones and tablets.
There are various benefits to having shortcuts on your desktop computers. They are easy to install and configure. For example, you can create customized actions for commonly used functions. This makes them easier to access and saves time. In addition, they can also be shared between multiple devices.
Here we will take a deeper dive into the most popular computer shortcuts available. We have selected our top picks based on their ease of use, reliability, compatibility with Windows operating systems, and speed.
PC Shortcuts You Need to Know
1. Alt + Tab
The Alt+Tab keyboard combination lets you switch from one program to another without ever using the mouse. It’s extremely useful in situations where you might have several different running programs open at once. With this shortcut, you can easily move between windows and focus on whichever one you want. To activate it, hold down Alt and press Tab.
2. Windows Key + D
You may not realize how many great shortcuts you have already installed on your Windows machine. If you press Ctrl+D while in any Explorer window, the Homepage will automatically fill up with webpages you have visited. It’s much better than scrolling through every website manually! You can change which websites appear by pressing Ctrl+H to view History Settings.
3. WinKey + Pause/Break
Pause/break allows you to pause the current task. When paused, clicking on the taskbar will resume the task. This shortcut is also handy if you want to quickly end tasks that aren’t needed right now. Simply click pause/break once an unwanted task has finished its task.
4. Ctrl + Alt + Del
This shortcut locks your screen so no unauthorized users can access your PC. It’s very helpful when you leave your laptop unattended but don’t want someone else to get control. Holding down the Ctrl button locks the entire system, as does holding both Ctrl and Alt buttons. However, Ctrl+Alt+Del requires three presses, making it more difficult to use.
5. Ctrl + F
One of the fastest ways to find something on Google Chrome is by typing what you are looking for directly into the address bar rather than browsing around the web. Using CTRL + F (which stands for Ctrl + Search) will search all sites and pages that include the text you typed. While this works well for searching within a single browser page, it doesn’t work for cross-browser searches. Instead, try using CTRL + K.
6. Ctrl + H
Use your history list to quickly revisit those sites you’ve previously opened. Clicking on the back arrow next to the close box brings up History, where you can scroll back through all your recently accessed websites.
7. Print Screen
Print Screen lets you capture an image of the entire screen and send it via email or upload it online. Use this shortcut whenever you need a picture of something you just saw onscreen, whether it was an error message or a site you found interesting. A printed screenshot is much easier to read and less likely to become blurry than a photo taken with a smartphone.

It takes time to learn new tricks, especially if they’re complex. But, there’s nothing like putting some practice into motion! After learning these seven easy keyboard shortcuts, look forward to spending less time hunting for things on your desktop and more time enjoying them visit majesticslotsclub.